Bradley’s Country Store outside Tallahassee, FL is well-worth the drive for some of the best sausage you’ll find anywhere in the United States…
We’re suckers for a good country store, so when we heard about one on the far outskirts of Tallahassee while cruising Florida on MINI Takes the States, we immediately set the GPS and headed toward Bradley’s Country Store. We expected the usual country store knick-knacks and penny candy. We didn’t expect, however, the best darn sausage in the entire state of Florida…
But that’s what we found.
The drive to Bradley’s Country Store winds its way through lush forests and peaceful prairies with much of the drive completely covered with a dense tree canopy. It’s like going over the river and through the woods, but instead of grandma’s house, you find Bradley’s Country Store.
The outside of Bradley’s is exactly what you’d hope to find when in search of a country store… A simple old-timey structure with a decent front porch and some rocking chairs.

Inside, the charm of Bradley’s starts to really set in. The place is crowded with people coming and going the entire time we’re there, and it seems we’re the only people for a thousand miles who haven’t been here before.
We make our way past an antique juke box, jars of everything from barbecue sauce to quail eggs, and fun little gifts until we reach the back counter. Once again, we appear to be the only people that don’t know the “secret” held behind the counter… The best sausage in Florida.

A warm, friendly smile greets and welcomes us to Bradley’s from the other side of the deli case. Upon hearing we’re travel writers, she insists on us trying some sausage.
“We just ate lunch,” I insist.
“Oh, honey, you just have to try it,” she coaxes.
Next thing I know we’re eating a sausage on a bun, and it’s so good I contemplate ordering another. We’re not food critics, but their sausage has a freshness and flavor we’ve honestly never tasted anywhere before. We can’t get enough.

Lunch from an hour ago is now a distant memory.
According to the folks at Bradley’s, their sausage is so tasty for a several reasons. Most of all, the entire process is about quality. From the selection of the hog to the wood used during the smoking, to the family recipe used- it’s all top-notch.
Of course, we try a few other variations of their sausage while hearing the store of Bradley’s Country Store, a story filled with family tradition from the way they make their sausage to the way they still grind their own grits in the gristmill on the property. Bradley’s Country Store quickly became one of our favorite places in the whole state of Florida as we roamed the aisles with sausage in hand.
After trying plenty of sausage, making a quick run through the gristmill, and rebuffing the entire staff’s attempts to get me to adopt some of the cats out front, it’s finally time to head back toward Tallahassee. From the friendly folks to the delicious food, it’s easy to see why this place is a local treasure.
To get to Bradley’s Country Store, it’ll take a little driving (of course, it’s a beautiful drive), but judging by the number of cars coming and going, we’re not the only ones who thought this sausage was well-worth the drive.
10655 Centerville Road Tallahassee, FL 32309
Discovered while on 2018 MINI Takes the States
We weren’t really “driving” when we discovered Bradley’s! We were MOTORING in a slick 2-door MINI S as part of MINI Takes the States. When you’re motoring around Florida, a two-lane road trip to a place like Bradley’s becomes a heck of a good time.
For more on MINI Takes the States, the charity road trip of a lifetime, check out their website. Of course, you’ll want to pick up a MINI before the next MTTS!